A Woven Coverlet has been handed down through my husband’s
It was made by his great-great grandmother, Isabelle
Johnston/Johnstone Adamson. Isabella was
born December 25, 1802 in Washington Co (now Green Co), Pennsylvania; she
married Barnet Adamson in 1818, in the same county: by 1825 they had moved to
Monroe Co, Ohio where they lived the rest of their lives. Barnet died in 1862 and Isabella in
Isabella made more coverlets than this one, according to family
letters. One daughter received two of
the coverlets, and I would imagine that many were made during Isabella’s
lifetime and passed down to her children.
Isabella and Barnet had 9 known children - there don’t seem
to be any gaps in the ages of the children - so I think they were fortunate and
didn’t lose any children prematurely.
My WorldConnect database gives the documents for
Barnet and Isabella. While I, and
others, have tracked Barnet’s Adamson family back three more generations, I
have been unable to find Isabella’s family.
I keep the coverlet in a glass-fronted cabinet so that I can
see it every time I look that direction.
It is a beautiful piece of work; I admire Isabella and her skill at
weaving. The coverlet has quite a bit of damage to it, both from age and from some improper storage over the years.
Isabella Johnston/Johnstone Adamson appears unnamed on the
1820 Pennsylvania, Greene Co, census; then unnamed on the census records for
Green Twp, Monroe Co, Ohio in 1830 and 1840; finally by name on the records of 1850,
1860, and 1870 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Laings.
Woodsfield is the county seat of Monroe County - the
Adamsons lived just a few miles away. Isabella
and Barnet’s grandson - my husband’s grandfather - was born “near Woodsfield”. I was in Ohio, and particularly Woodsfield,
two years ago. I loved the town and the
area. Here’s what one of those 1880s
county histories had to say:
“Woodsfield was then much out of the world. Indeed the entire county was quite primitive;
its people largely dwelt in cabins. This
seemed to me a good thing, saving many the worry of having so much to look
after. Great possessions, great cares.” I really like that worded image.
While life may have been primitive, Isabella's designs are not.
Isabella JOHNSTON was born 1802 December 25 in
Greene Co, Pennsylvania, died 1879 September 17 in Green Twp, Monroe Co, Ohio,
and was buried in Monroe Co, Ohio. Isabella married Barnet ADAMSON, son
of Thomas ADAMSON Jr and Sarah Jane EAGON, in 1818 in Washington
Co, Pennsylvania. They had nine
children: John J, Ruth, Sarah A, Martha "Polla," William J, Eunice
Isabel, Cassandra "Cassie Ann," Deborah Jane, and Barnet.
1820 Pennsylvania, Greene Co, p348a
Barnett Adamson 101 /
male, under 5 - John J, b 1819
male, 19-25 - Barnet, b 1794
female, 16-25 - Isabella
1830 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp
Barnet Adamson 101001 /
male, under 5 - Wiliam J, b 1827
male, 10-15 - John J, b 1819
male, 30-40 - Barnet, b 1794
female, under 5 - Eunice Isabel, b abt 1829
female, under 5 - Martha "Polly", b 1825
female, 5-10 - Sarah A, b abt 1823
female, 5-10 - Ruth, b abt 1821
female 20-30 - Isabella, b 1802
1840 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, p 23
Barnet Adamson 1010001
/ 022201
male, under 5 - Barnet, b 1838
male, 10-15 - William J, b 1827
male, 40-50 - Barnet, b 1794
female, 5-10 - Deborah Jane, b 1835
female, 5-10 - Cassandra "Cassie Ann", b 1832
female, 10-15 - Eunice Isabel, b abt 1829
female, 10-15 - Martha "Polly" b 1825
female, 15-20 - Sarah A, b abt 1823
female, 15-20 - Ruth, b abt 1821
female, 30-40 - Isabella, b 1802
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, 20 August, 85/85
Barnett Adamson, 55, farmer, vore 2000, b Pennsylvania / Isabella,
48, b Pennslvania // William, 22, farmer, b Pennsylvania; Deborah, 15, school,
b Ohio; Barnett, 11, school, b Ohio
1860 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Lange, 212/212
Barnet Adamson, 65, farmer, vore 5000, vope 350, b
Pennsylvania / Isabella, 58, b Pennsylvania
1870 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Laings, 3 June
33/33 Berry, John A, 40, farmer,
vore 1200 vope 400, b West Virginia / Deborah J, 35, keeping house, b Ohio //
John W, 15, school, farm laborer, b Ohio; Adamson R, 11, school, farm laborer,
b Ohio; Robert J, 9, school, b Ohio; Thomas M, 6, school, b Ohio; Isabel F, 4,
b Ohio; Everet D, 9/12, b Aug, b Ohio
- - -
34/34 Adamson, William J, 42,
farmer, vore 1500 vope 500, b Pennsylvania / Mary, 42, keeping house, b West
Virginia // Elizabeth J, 13, school, b Ohio; Isabel C, 9, school, b Ohio ///
Brady, William, 13, school, farm laborer, b Ohio
- - -
35/35 Adamson,
Isabel, 67, keeping house, vope 100, b Pennsylvania
- - -
36/36 Huffman, George H, 50,
farmer, vore 5000 vope 1500, b Pennsylvania / Polly M, 45, keeping house, b
Pennsylvania // Barnet A, 21, schoolteacher, b Ohio; Isabel A, 19, b Ohio;
George H, 17, farm laborer, b Ohio /// Brown, Peter, 93, jour, blacksmith, b
Atlantic Ocean, father and mother of foreign birth; Corn, Mary J, 8, school, b
---Ohio, Monroe Co, Woodsfield Court House, Spring 2011, Probate
Ledger, 1880, page 116
June 9, [1880], number 82, Adamson, Isabel, date of death: 1879, Sept
17; widowed; age 77y 1m 24d; died Green Twp, Monroe Co, Ohio; born Green Co,
Pennsylvania; [no occupation or parents listed]; cause of death: cancer;
residence Green Twp, Ohio; reported by Finley Workman.
------Monroe Co, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts, Woodsfield Republican 14
Sept - 21 Sept 1860 and The Spirit of Democracy 31 Dec 1862 - 31 Dec 1867; by
Rita Bone Kopp for the Monroe Co Chapter of the Ohio Gen Society
page 6, The Spirit of Democracy, 7 Jan 1863, Vol 19, No 44
W J & Isabel Adamson appt admr of estate of Barnett Adamson decd,
4 Nov 1862
---Monroe Co, Ohio Gen Records, Vol 5, p 62, Feb 25th 1868; Partition
Notice; [FHL film 0859780 copied by Linda Chandler]
-Isabel Adamson, Polly H Huffman and Geo H Huffman, her husband;
Deborah J Berry and John A Berry, her husband of Monroe Co; Ruth Shriver and
Abraham Shriver, her husband; Cassann Shriver and Benjamin Shriver, her husband
of Wayne Co, Iowa; Sarah A Shriver and Evan Shriver, her husband of Johnson Co,
Kansas; Barnett Adamson, Isabel Miller, Wm Adamson, Elizabeth Adamson and Maria
Adamson of Washington Co, Ohio, will take notice that a petition was filed
against them on the 27th day of Jan 1868 in Monroe Co by Wm Adamson for
partition of real estate.
---Monroe Co, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts, The Spirit of Democracy, 7
Jan 1868 - 31 May 1870 and 7 June 1870 - 31 Dec 1872, by Rita Bone Kopp for the
Monroe Co Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
page 4: Partition Notice - filed 27 Jan 1868 by William J Adamson,
against Isabel Adamson; Polly M Huffman and husband George H; Deborah J Bery
(sic) and husband John A, of Monroe Co, Ohio; Ruth Shriver & husband
Abraham, Cassan Shriver & husband Benjamin of Wayne Co, Iowa; Sarah A
Shriver & husband Evan of Johnson Co, Kansas; Barnet Adamson, Isabel
Miller, Wm Adamson, Elizabeth Adamson, & Maria A Adamson of Washington Co,
Ohio; NW4 Sec 1 T4 R5 & NW4 SW4 same STR, also S2 SW4 SW4 Sec 2 same T
& R, 218a, also SW4 SE4 Sec 14 & NW4 NE4 Sec 13 T3 R6, 81 a.
➼ John J ADAMSON was born 1819 November 2 in Greene
Co, Pennsylvania, died 1861 October 9 in Ludlow Twp, Washington Co, Ohio, and
was buried in Ludlow Twp: Blue Bird Cemetery, Washington Co, Ohio. John married Nancy SMITH, daughter of Samuel
SMITH and Mary CUNNING, 1839 June 13 in Monroe Co, Ohio. They had 11
children: Sarah Jane, Mary, Isabella, Matilda, Elizabeth, Barnet, Eunice,
William J, Elisabeth, Nancy E, and Mariah A.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, 20 August
83/83 John Adamson 30, farmer,
b Pennsylvania / Nancy 25, b Ohio // Sarah 9, school, b Ohio; Mary 7, school, b
Ohio; Isabella 5, school, b Ohio; Matilda 3, b Ohio; Barnett 1, b Ohio
1860 Ohio, Washington Co, Ludlow Twp, Flints Mill, 7 August
138/138 John J Adison, 40,
farmer, vope 200, b Pennslvania / Nancy, 36, b Ohio // Mary, 18, b Ohio;
Matilda, 14, school, b Ohio; Barnet, 11, school, b Ohio; Unis, 10, female,
school, b Ohio; William, 8, school, b Ohio; Elisabeth, 6, school, b Ohio;
Mariah A, 1, b Ohio
---Adamson-Duvall and Related Families. Ree Adamson Fraelich; Publisher: Ree
Fraelich, Pittsburgh, PA, 1974; 127p.
-The following news item appeared in the newspaper Marietta
Intelligencer October of 1861:
"Stabbing: on the 8th Inst at the Election House of Ludlow Twp,
JJ Adamson was stabbed by a dirk knife in the hands of Henry Elder. The
unfortunate man lived but a few hours. Elder was brought to town and lodged in
jail. The Grand Jury has found a true bill against him for murder in the first
degree." Fraelich quotes excerpts
from the Records of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington Co Ohio, vol 29.
The trial was held in the February term, 1862, and the jury found Elder guilty
of manslaughter. John's estate was settled 16 Aug 1867, Washington Co Court,
Docket E, p46.
➼ Ruth ADAMSON was born about 1821 April 20
in Greene Co, Pennsylvania, died 1870 April 8, and was buried in Warren Twp:
Green Ridge Cemetery, Wayne Co, Iowa. Ruth married Abraham SHRIVER, son
of Elias SHRIVER and Unknown, about 1840. They had seven children: Elias, William, S
A, Eunice, Delilah, Lucy, and Adamson.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Dist No 106, 21 August
117/117 Abraham Shriver, 33,
farmer, vore 1500, b Virginia / Ruth, 28, b Pennsylvania / Elias, 8, school, b
Ohio; Isabella, 6, school, b Ohio; William, 4, school, b Ohio; Sarah, 3, b Ohio
1860 Iowa, Wayne Co, Grand River Twp, Grand River, 17 July
450/406 Abraham Shriver, 44,
farmer, vore 1600 vope 808, b Pennsylvania / Ruth, 39, b Pennsylvania // Elias,
19, farmer, b Ohio; Wm, 15, school, farmer, b Ohio; S A, 13, female, school, b
Ohio; Eunice, 10, school, b Ohio; Delila, 8, school, b Ohio; Lucy, 5, school, b
Ohio; Adam, 3, b Iowa
---Tombstone: Wayne Co, Iowa Cemeteries, Wayne Co Genealogical Society
Green Ridge Cemetery, Warren Twp, Section 30, Wayne Co, Iowa
*SHRIVER, Ruth, wife of A Shriver / died Apr 8, 1870 / age 48 yr 11m
➼ Sarah A ADAMSON was born about 1823 in Greene
Co, Pennsylvania and died about 1883 May in Olathe, Johnson Co, Kansas. Sarah
married Evan SHRIVER, son of Elias SHRIVER and Unknown,
about 1841. They had six children: Barnet, Elias M, Rachel F, Isabella J,
Owen, and Ruth Ann.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Dist No 106, 23 August
156/156 Evin Shriver, 30,
farmer, vore 1000, b Pennsylvania / Sarah, 27, b Pennsylvania // Barnett,
7, school, b Ohio; Elias, 6, school, b
Ohio; Rachel, 5, b Ohio; Isabella, 3, b Ohio; Owen, 1, b Ohio
1859 Kansas, Johnson Co, Olathe, Voter List, p 3
Evan Shriver, date of settlement Nov 1857, Sarah A Shriver female
over 18 years of age
1860 Kansas Territory, Johnson Co, Olathe Twp, Olathe, 25 August
785/885 E Shriver, 44, farmer,
vore 5000 vope 1400, b Pennsylvania / S N, 38, female, b Pennsylvania // B, 17,
female[sic], school, farmer, b Ohio; E M, 16, male, school, farmer, b Ohio; R,
14, female, school, b Ohio; I, 13, male, school, b Ohio; O, 11, female [sic],
school, b Ohio; R A, 4, female, b Iowa /// Jno Lawson, 25, labourer, vore 1000
vope 600, b Ohio; Jos Cox, 22, labourer, vore 2600 vope 200, b Kentucky
1865 Kansas State Census, Johnson Co, Olathe, 26 June
243/258 Evan Shriver, 46,
farmer, vore 4400 vope 2679, b Pennsylvania / S A, 44, female, b Pennsylvania
// Barnet, 22, farm laborer, single, school, b Ohio; Isabel, 18, school, b
Ohio; Owen, 16, school, b Ohio; R A, 8, school, b Iowa /// R'd Lindsay, 23, vope
400, single, b Canada; David Jones, 21, vope 200, single, b Canada; S Casen,
20, female, black, married, b Missouri; Geo S Casen, 3, black, b Missouri
1870 Kansas, Johnson Co, Olathe Twp, Olathe, 9 June
317/321 Shriver, Evan, 50,
farmer, vore 10,000 vope 3000, b Pennsylvania / Sarah A, 48, keeping house, b
Pennsylvania // Ruth Ann, 13, school, b Iowa /// Cline, Rhoda, 18, domestic
servant, b Iowa; Malone, Henry, 16, works on farm, b Iowa
1875 Kansas State Census, Cowley Co, Sheridan Twp, Tisdale, 1 March
O Shriver, 26, farmer, vore 500 vope 280, b Ohio, to Kansas from Iowa
/ M, 20, female, b Texas, to Kansas from Texas // W R, 3, male, b Kansas;
Orlie, 1 1/12, male, b Kansas
- - -
E Shriver, 55, farmer, vore 500 vope 303, b Pennsylvania, to Kansas
from Iowa / S A, 53, b Pennsylvania, to Kansas from Iowa // R A, 18, b Iowa, to
Kansas from Iowa /// J Black, 16, male, b Illinois, to Kansas from Iowa
1880 Kansas, Cowley Co, Sheridan Twp, 11 & 12 June
104/104 Shriver, Evan, 69,
farmer, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania New Jersey / Sarah A, 57, wife, keeping
house, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania // Ruth A, 22, dau, single, at
home, b Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania /// Lawson, Sarah, 11, grdau, school, b
Kansas Ohio Ohio; Black, John Black, 21,
boarder, laborer, b Illinois Ohio Illinois; Cunt, William, 25, laborer, b Ohio
Ohio Ohio; Rayford, Philip, 17, laborer, b Texas Georgia Georgia
- - -
106/106 Shriver, Owen, 30,
farmer, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania / Kary L?, 24, wife, keeping house, b
Texas Georgia Georgia // William K, 7, son, school, b Kansas Ohio Texas; Erle?,
5, son, school, b Kansas Ohio Texas; Pearl, 1/12, b May, son, b Kansas Ohio
---RootsWeb, US GenWeb, Kansas, Johnson Co, Obituaries from Johnson
County Newspapers
*Shriver, Mrs Evans, May 3, 1883, Johnson County Democrat, article
➼ Martha "Polla" ADAMSON was born
1825 May 30 in Monroe Co, Ohio, died 1910 December 23 in Washington Co, Ohio,
and was buried in Grandview Twp: Matamoras Cemetery, Washington Co, Ohio. Martha
married George Harvey HUFFMAN, son of Jacob HUFFMAN and Nancy
MITCHELL. They had four children: Jacob,
Barnet A, Isabel Ellen, and George H.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Dist 106, Green Twp, 19 August
48/48 George H Huffman 27,
blacksmith, b Pennsylvania / Polly 25, b Ohio // Jacob 2, b Ohio; Barnett 1, b
Ohio /// Catharine Huffman 17, b Ohio /
John A Berry 22, wagon maker, b Virginia; Solomon Berry 20, wagon maker, b
Virginia; Peter Brown 73, blacksmith, b on the ocean
1860 Ohio, Monroe Co, Perry Twp, Antioch, 24 July
200/201 George H Hoffman, 37,
blacksmith, vore 1042 vope 100, b Pennsylvania / Polly M, 34, domestic, b
Pennsylvania // Jacob L, 13, school, b Ohio; Barnard A, 11, school, b Ohio;
Isabel, 9, b Ohio; George H, 7, b Ohio /// Peter Brown, 84, blacksmith, b Sea
1870 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Laings, 3 June
36/36 Huffman, George H, 50,
farmer, vore 5000 vope 1500, b Pennsylvania / Polly M, 45, keeping house, b
Pennsylvania // Barnet A, 21, schoolteacher, b Ohio; Isabel A, 19, b Ohio;
George H, 17, farm laborer, b Ohio /// Brown, Peter, 93, jour, blacksmith, b
Atlantic Ocean, father and mother of foreign birth; Corn, Mary J, 8, school, b
1880 Ohio, Washington Co, New Matamoras, 15 June
217/217 Huffman, George H, 60,
landlord, [maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled], b Pennsylvania
West Virginia Pennsylvania / Polly M, 55, wife, keeping house, b Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania // Barnett A, 31, son, single, [maimed, crippled,
bedridden, or otherwise disabled], b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania; Isabel E,
29, dau, single, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania; George H Jr, 27, son,
single, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania /// Coen, Mary J, 18, orphan, b Ohio
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania; Theis, Louis W, 39, boarder, boot & shoe maker,
b Ohio unknown unknown
[1880 Census Commentary: 14
out of the 50 people listed on this page are marked as "maimed, crippled,
bedridden, or otherwise disabled"]
1900 Ohio, Washington Co, Grandview Twp, New Matamoras, 1 June [v10-09LC]
6/7 Huffman, B A, head, b
April 1849, 51, m 16 yrs, [no occupation given], b Ohio Ohio Pennsylvania / E
A, wife, b Dec 1855, 44, m 16 yrs, 4 ch 3 liv, b Ohio Ireland Ireland //
Almeta, dau, b Mar 1884, 16, school, b Ohio Ohio Ohio; Lucy, dau, b Mar 1892,
8, b Ohio Ohio Ohio; Helen B, dau, b Aug 1898, 1, b Ohio Ohio Ohio /// Polly A,
mother, b May 1825, 75, wd, 4 ch 3 liv, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
1910 Ohio, Washington Co, Grandview Twp, New Matamoras, Front Street,
15 April
24/25 Huffman, Barnett, head,
60, marr 1, m 26 yrs, prop[rietor] - hotel, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania /
Elizabeth A, wife, 54, marr 1, m 26 yrs, 4 ch 3 liv, b Ohio Ir[e]land Ir[e]land
// Lucy I, dau, 18, school, b Ohio Ohio Ohio; Helen B, dau, 11, school, b Ohio
Ohio Ohio /// Pollie M, mother, 84, 4 ch 3 liv, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania; Dixon, Anna, servant, 19, servant - hotel, b Ohio Ohio Ohio;
Little, Ester, servant, 17, servant - hotel, b Ohio Ohio Ohio; Piatt, Ed,
boarder, 30, single, tool dresser - oil field, b Ohio Ohio Ohio
---Newspaper: Spirit of Democracy, Monroe Co, Ohio, 25 Feb 1868
---Washington Co, Ohio, Historical Society: Cemetery Index, online
*HUFFMAN, Polly M, 1826-1910, Matamoras, Grandview Twp
*HUFFMAN, G H, [no dates given] Matamoras, Grandview Twp
---from Loren DeWitt
letter from Belle Duncan to Isabell DeWitt in 1933 says: "I
don't know any of their ages, only Aunt Polla and mother’s, that is, I know
Aunt Polla just lacked one day of being 10 years older then mother, mother's
birthday over May 29, Aunt Polla's May 30.
➼ William J ADAMSON was born 1827 June 15 in Monroe
Co, Ohio and died 1900 September 25. William
married Mary SHRIVER. They had two children: Elisabeth J and Isabel
1860 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Newcastle, 18 June
213/213 Wm J Adamson, 32,
farmer, vope 350, b Pennsylvania / Mary, 31, b Virginia // Elisabeth J, 3, b
Ohio; Isabelle C, 3/12, b Ohio
1870 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Laings, 3 June
34/34 Adamson, William J, 42,
farmer, vore 1500 vope 500, b Pennsylvania / Mary, 42, keeping house, b West
Virginia // Elizabeth J, 13, school, b Ohio; Isabel C, 9, school, b Ohio ///
Brady, William, 13, school, farm laborer, b Ohio
1880 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green
Twp, 8 June
30/30 Adamson, William J, 52,
farmer, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania / Mary, 53, wife, keeping
house, b West Virginia West Virginia Pennsylvania // Elisabeth J, 23, dau,
single, b Ohio Pennsylvania West Virginia; Isabel C, 20, dau, single, school, b
Ohio Pennsylvania West Virginia // Shriver, Isabel A, 40, servant, single,
domestic servant, [maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled], b Ohio
West Virginia Pennsylvania; Hickman, John, 43, servant, single, servant, b Ohio
Ohio Ohio
1900 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, 5 June
19/19 Adamson, Wm J, head, b
June 1827, 72, marr 48 yrs, owner free, farmer, b Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania / Mary, wife, b Feb 1826, 74, single [sic], married 48 yrs, 3 ch 2
liv, b West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia /// Shriver, Isabell A,
s-in-law, b May 1840, 60, single, b Ohio West Virginia West Virginia
➼ Eunice Isabel ADAMSON was born about
1829 in Monroe Co, Ohio and died 1844 November 23.
➼ Cassandra "Cassie Ann" ADAMSON was born 1832 May 6 in Monroe Co, Ohio, died 1886 July 9, and was
buried in Kilburn Rankin Brown Cemetery, Wayne Co, Iowa. Cassandra married Benjamin
SHRIVER in 1850. They had six children: William Harvey, Evan, Barnet A,
Mary "Polly," Benjamin, and Ellis Elias. Cassandra next married Abraham SHRIVER,
son of Elias SHRIVER and Unknown, about 1870.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Dist No 106, 20 August
92/92 Benjamin Shriver, 30,
farmer, vore 500, married within year, b Ohio / Casander, 18, married within
year, b Ohio
1860 Iowa, Wayne Co, Jackson Twp, Warsaw & Corydon, 5 July
238/213 Benjamin Shriver, 34,
farmer, vore 1625 vope 352, b Ohio / C A, 28, female, b Ohio // Wm H, 9,
school, b Ohio; Erin?, 6, male, school, b Ohio; Mary, 10/12, b Iowa
1870 Iowa, Wayne Co, Warren Twp, Corydon, 5 August
21/21 Shriver, Caseanna, 38,
keeps house, vore 4000 vope 1520, b Ohio // William H, 18, farm work, b Ohio;
Evan, 15, school, farm work, b Ohio; Polly, 11, school, b Iowa; Benjamin, 9,
school, b Iowa; Elias, 5, school, b Iowa
1880 Iowa, Wayne Co, Grand River Twp, 28 June
35/35 Shriver, Abraham, 61, b
Virginia Virginia Virginia / C A, 48, wife, keeps house, b Ohio Virginia
Virginia // Adamson, 22, son, single, b Iowa Virginia Virginia; Mary, 20, dau,
single, b Iowa Virginia Virginia; Benj, 17, son, school, b Iowa Virginia
Virginia; Elias, 15, son, school, b Iowa Virginia Virginia
---Tombstone: Wayne Co, Iowa Cemeteries, Wayne Co Genealogical Society
Killbourn-Rankin-Brown Cemetery, Warren Twp, Section 24, Wayne Co,
*SHRIVER, Cassey A / wife of B Shriver / died July 9, 1886 / age 54
yr 2 m 3 d
➼➼ Deborah Jane ADAMSON was born 1835
May 29 in Monroe Co, Ohio, died 1918 October 3 in Grant Twp, Jackson Co,
Kansas, and was buried in Powersville: Cemetery, Putnam Co, Missouri. Deborah
married John Alpheus BERRY, son of John H BERRY and Mary
HUFFMAN, 1854 March 2 in [---], Monroe Co, Ohio. They had nine children: John
William, Adamson Randolph, Robert Johnson, Thomas Millard, Frances Isabella
"Belle," Everett Dally, James Oatis, Viola Jane "Ola,"
and Eliza Alma.
1860 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Lang, 20 June
239/239 John A Berry, 30,
wagonmaker, vore 400 vope 175, b Virginia / Deborah, 25, b Ohio // John W, 5,
school, b Ohio; Adamson R, 3, b Ohio; Robert J, 4/12, b Ohio
1870 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green Twp, Laings, 3 June
33/33 Berry, John A, 40,
farmer, vore 1200 vope 400, b West Virginia / Deborah J, 35, keeping house, b
Ohio // John W, 15, school, farm laborer, b Ohio; Adamson R, 11, school, farm
laborer, b Ohio; Robert J, 9, school, b Ohio; Thomas M, 6, school, b Ohio;
Isabel F, 4, b Ohio; Everet D, 9/12, b Aug, b Ohio
1880 Ohio, Monroe Co, Green
Twp, 7 June
28/28 Berry, John A, 51,
farmer, b West Virginia New Jersey West Virginia / Deborah, 45, b Ohio
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania // Adamson R, 23, laborer, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio;
Robert J, 20, school, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio; Thomas M, 17, school, b Ohio
West Virginia Ohio; Frances I, 14, dau, school, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio;
Evert D, 10, school, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio; James O, 8, school, b Ohio West
Virginia Ohio; Viola J, 6, school, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio; Eliza E, 3, b
Ohio West Virginia Ohio
1900 Kansas, Jackson Co, Grant Twp, 5 June
47/49 Berry, James O, b May
1873, 28, single, farmer, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio /// Viola J, sister, b Sept
1875, 24, single, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio; Debora J, mother, b May 1835, 65,
wd, 9 ch 8 liv, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
- - -
48/50 Berry, Everett D, b July
1868, 31, mar 1 yr, farmer - farm 51, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio / Florence, b
June 1878, 21, 1 ch 1 liv, b West Virginia West Virginia Germany // Ira N, b
Oct 1899, 7/12, b Kansas Ohio West Virginia
1910 Kansas, Jackson Co, Grant Twp, 28 April
86/87 Salisbury, Elmore H,
head, 35, marr 1, m 9 yrs, farmer - general farm 98, b Kansas Indiana Indiana /
Viola J, wife, 35, marr 1, m 9 yrs, 5 ch 5 liv, b Ohio West Virginia Ohio //
Otis G, son, 8, b Kansas Kansas Ohio; Wayne M, son, 7, b Kansas Kansas Ohio;
Noel W, son, 5, b Kansas Kansas Ohio; Guy E, son, 3, b Kansas Kansas Ohio;
Ethel, dau, 7/12, b Kansas Kansas Ohio; Berry, Deborah J, mother-in-law, 74,
wd, b Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
---marriage records for Monroe Co, Ohio are unavailable for this time
---Death certificate, Kansas
Mrs Deborah J Berry, widow, age 73 yrs, 4 months, 4 days, died
October 3, 1918, Grant Twp, Jackson Co, Kansas, of arterioschorosis and
influenza. Length of residence in state:
25 years, at place of death: 25 years.
Born May 27, Monroe Co, Ohio, father Barnet Adamson, b Pennsylvania;
mother Isabell Johnston, b Pennsylvania.
Informant: Everett Berry, Osage Kansas.
Removal to Powersville, Missouri.
Undertaker, W A Irwin, Havensville, Kansas.
---Tombstone: photographs taken in 1994
Powersville Cemetery, Putnam Co, Missouri
---World Connect, Havensville, Pottawatomie Co, Kansas area working
database, posted by Merrie Pinick, excerpt
Berry - Strosnider
-Everett Berry and his mother, brother Oatis and two sisters, Viola
and Eliza came from Ohio, with a few years' stop in Iowa, to Kansas in 1892,
and first made their home south of Havensville. Later they moved to the Avoca
neighborhood. . . .
➼ Barnet ADAMSON was born 1838 November 24 in
Monroe Co, Ohio and died 1854 October 11.
1850 Ohio, Monroe Co, Dost 106, Green Twp, 20 August
85/85 Barnett Adamson, 55,
farmer, vore 2000, b Pennsylvania / Isabella, 48, b Pennslvania // William, 22,
farmer, b Pennsylvania; Deborah, 15, school, b Ohio; Barnett, 11, school, b
I've eliminated duplicates, for the most part. My method is to add all records that name an individual so that one doesn't have to find the parents to look at the full record.