Clue after clue, but still an unsolved puzzle
For several years now, my United States genealogy research
has been focusing on my grandmother’s family.
William and Karoline (Roth) Heintz were Germans from Russia. They came to the US in 1907, arriving in the
port of Baltimore on July 4th.
Their point of embarkation was Bremen, Germany, but they travelled to
there from somewhere in the province or city of Saratov, Russia, along the
Volga River.
SS Frankfurt
Frankfurt, left Bremen Germany 20 June 1907, arrived Baltimore, Maryland, 4
July 1907. -lines
7-10: "family"
Wilhelm, 42, farm laborer, able to read and write, race or people: German,
height 5' 7", fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes, b Russia, Saratov /
Karoline, 38, height 5' 3", fair complexion, blonde hair, gray eyes, b
Russia, Saratov // Emilia, 4, fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes, b Russia,
Saratov; Friedrich, 1.6, fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes, b Russia
information for all:] Last permanent residence Russia, Saratov; relative or friend
in country came from - brother Peter Heintz, Saratov, Delagliuslla?; final
destination, Kansas, Tampa. Passage paid
by bro i[n] l[aw] [for children it says uncle]; relative where going - bro i l,
Heinrich Roth, Tampa, Kansas; all in good health, no deformities
The only papers that came through the family that relate to
the life of my grandmother is a family Bible currently in the possession of my
cousin. It gives birth information for
William and Caroline’s three children, but some of it is either unreadable or
not understandable. I’ve checked with
those in the Central Oklahoma Chapter of the American Heritage Society of
Germans From Russia, but no one recognized the location listed in the immigration record, nor could they read the top edge of the page I think might give that information.
This page is for Fred, the oldest child, who was born in Russia.
My grandmother's page is another story. I'll add it later.
She was also born in Russia.
The top edge of the un-decorated page is crumbling. Because it says 4 July in the text and gives the date of 1907 below, I believe that this is information about their immigration. If someone is able to read what it says, please let me know, will you? I've been waiting 20 years to find out where my grandmother came from in that great expanse of country.
Clues, though, have come my way.
My uncle has a photo album put together by my
grandmother. His wife was Amelia’s only
daughter. It has photos from about 1919
through the sixties. Not many photos but, still, some I had never seen before.
I borrowed the album and took it to Black and White photo studio in Oklahoma City. They made negatives and prints for me so that
I could return the album.
One of the photos in the album was an exciting clue. My grandmother’s family had come to Marion Co, Kansas. The immigration record gave the information that my great-grandmother’s brother, Henry Roth, was the contact person in the US. The great clue was a photo of “Uncle Henry’s house in Herington”. Wow! Whoopee! Hooray! A Location! I found Henry on the census lists in Marion Co, and Dickinson Co.
I made an Uncle Henry Trip.
Found the house, found the cemetery. Their names are on an early (70s? 80s?) print-out
of the cemetery, but not listed on current lists - - because no markers were
ever set.
Here is what I did find for Henrich Roth and his wife Mary
Beisel, who came half-way ‘round the world.
Kansas, Marion Co, Center Twp, Marion, 9 May
95/96 Roth, Henry, head, 43, marr 1, m 23 yrs, emig
1906, alien, farmer - general farm 94, b Russia Russia Russia, lang German /
Mary, wife, 47, marr 1, m 23 yrs, 2 ch --, b Russia Russia Russia, lang German
Kansas, Marion Co, Gale, lines 20-21
home -
Henry Roth, 49, b Russia, to Kansas from Russia, work __?
Roth, 54, b Russia, to Kansas from Russia, house keeper
1920 Kansas,
Dickinson Co, Herington, 311 N 8th Street,
12 January
153/166 Roth, Henry, head, owner free, 52, emig 1907,
papers, labor - rip line , b Russia Russia Russia, lang German / Marie, wife,
56, emig 1907, alien, b Russia Russia Russia, lang German
153/167 Martin, Charles, head, renter, 26, emig 1913,
naturalized 1918, labor - rip track, b Russia Russia Russia, lang German /
Marie, wife, 26, emig 1914, naturalized, b Russia Russia Russia, lang German
Kansas, Decatur Co, Lincoln
216 Roth, Henry, 58, laborer, b Russia Russia,
emig 1906, alien / Mary, 61, b Russia Russia, emig 1906, alien
Kansas, Dickinson Co, Lyons Twp, Herington, 311 N Ninth, 2 April
13/14 Roth, Henry, head, owner 2000, 63, first marr
at 25, emig 1906, alien, janitor - railroad, b Russia Russia Russia, lang
German / Mattie, wife, 66, first marr at 28, emig 1906, alien, b Russia Russia
Russia, lang German
Kansas, Dickinson Co, Herrington, 309 North Ninth Street, 19 April
Roth, Henry, head, 72, b Russia, papers, same house in 1935, (no occupation
given), other income / Minnie [sic], wife, 77, b Russia, papers, same house in
of funeral, Herington Museum, Dickinson Co, Kansas, March 2010
72, 3 March 1941, deceased Henry Roth, b Russia, residence North 9th, charge to
estate. retired labor for
Date of death: 3 March 1941,
8 a.m.
Date of birth: August 29, 1867,
age 73y 6m 4d.
Services at Redeemer Ch,
Rev Whlms, city, religion: Lutheran.
Resided in state 55 yrs.
Place of
death: home (North 9th). Cause of death:
coronary thrombosis; certifying physician Dr A P Dannilson, city.
Father: Fred Roth, b Russia; mother: unknown.
Remains to Sunset Hill. Size and style of casket: 6-3 - 3 panel, Gray
#22, manufactured by Tribute. Interment
at Sunset Cemetery, Lot 3.
The Herington Times, Herington, Kansas, Thursday, March 6, 1941, p1, Henry Roth
Dies at Home Monday [Herington Museum,
March 2010 LC]
Roth, retired Rock Island laborer, died suddenly at his home on North 9th
street Monday, from a heart attack. Mr
Roth was 73 years old. He was born in
Russia, and came to this community 55 [sic - should be 35] years ago, entering the employ of
the Rock Island. He is survived by his
services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from the Our Redeemer Lutheran
church, with Rev E H Wilms in charge.
Interment was in Sunset Hill cemetery.
2010, from Museum, more recent printout of cemetery records do not show Henry
and Mary. An earlier printout does list
them; Henry in Lot 4, space 51, Mary in space 52. A city employee, familiar with the cemetery,
came to the museum to help us locate the graves. He could not determine where Henry and Mary
are buried. There are no headstones.
Passenger Lists, 1896-1959, page 40, lines 18-19
Frankfurt, sailing from Bremen, Germany, on September 15, 1906, arriving in
Galveston, Texas, 6 Oct 1906; friend's name Reinhardt Bessel
Rot, 39, farm laborer, able to read and write; height 5'6", fair
complexion; brown hair, grey eyes, b Talofka, Russia
Rot, 44, 5' 5", fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes, b Colonie Kiel,
same for both]
or people - German; permanent residence, Russia, Saratov; final destination Marion,
Kansas; $80, going to brother in law
Reinhrdt Beisel, Marion, Kansas, in good health, no deformities
of Intention, Kansas, Marion Co, from Janet: "This information was found in numerous volumes filed in the Clerk
of the District Court's office in Marion, Kansas. Vols B11 and B12 generally included a picture
of the applicatant. There were also
about 4-5 huge volumes that included 1870 - 1906, but due to time restraints
plus the fact that those early years contained no genealogy information, I
didn't extract that information. I hope
some of you with ancestors settling in Marion, but unable to go there
personally, will find this helpful. "
B6 vol
1 - 26-Sep-08; Beisel, Gottfried; 17 Feb 1878; Kamanca ; Ramona; Bremen-Baltimore; April 7, 1906; Kaiser Wilhelm II
B7 vol
2 - 06-Apr-12; Beisel, Reinhart; 1 Aug 1868; Dreispitz; Barana, S.A.; So.
America-NY; August 15, 1903; Balasch
B7 vol
2 - 16-Dec-12; Beisel, Gottfried; 15 Oct 1846; Dreispitz;; Tampa; Dreispitz-NY;
July 3, 1876
B8 vol
3 - 14-May-17; Beisel, Reinhardt; 8 Oct 1888; Saratof; Anna b. Ks; Ramona;
Bremen-NY; June 1, 1902; No. German Lloyd
vol 3 - 18 Nov 1916, Roth, Henry, b 29 Aug 1867, Samara, Rus, spouse: Mary;
residency: Marion; immigrated from-to: Bremen-Galveston; immigration date:
October 8, 1906; ship: Koeln
B9 vol
4 -30-Dec-26; Beisel, David; 12 Nov 1881; Saratov; Mary K, b Saratov, Marion;
Bremen-NY, July 17, 1902, don't remember
family info
Troy Slater (
Sent: Mon 7/26/10 To:
Linda, . . . Anyway, according to our records
(which aren't very extensive) John Henry Roth (born 8-29-1867) was buried from
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church on 3-5-1941 after dying on 3-3-1941. The only 'mourner' that was listed was his
wife, Mary.
Roth (born 6-23-1862) died on 6-29-1941 and was buried on 7-2-1941 with a
vacancy pastor - Rev Klattenhoff - officiating the service. Our records indicate there were 'no immediate
Redeemer Lutheran Church / 802 E Trapp Street / Herington, Kansas 67449 / Troy Slater, pastor / (785) 258-3122
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
This is a copy of a photo that came from my great-aunt. She is half-sister to my grandmother. Standing on the far right, in the photograph,
is my great-grandfather William Heintz, Seated in front of him is my
great-grandmother, Karoline Roth Heintz.
The child she is holding hands with is my grandmother, Amelia. The other two children are Amelia’s brothers
David and Fred.
The other people in the photo are Roths, yet I don’t know who’s who. From facial comparisons, I’d guess that the
man in the middle might be Uncle Henry.
Since all the relatives in Kansas were those of Karoline, the other
couple ought to be Roth-related, too.
In looking for other Roths, Karoline's family, I came across many with that name. But these may be related. I need another trip to Kansas to check on courthouse records for them.
These Roths are on an Ellis Co, Kansas, 1905 plat map, near the town of Pfeifer, mainly in sections 14, 23, 26 and 35.On this 1922 Plat map, there are in sections 14, 16, 23, 26, and 35, still near the town of Pfeifer.
and I picked out these Roths, from the many listed in a Germans from Russia page, that are from Saratov.
If you should be familiar with any of these Roth families and can make a connection to my Heintz family, I would dearly love to hear from you.
Roth, Jacob M 65 M Head Head Saratov N 1878 1883 Saratov Saratov
Roth, Mary M 67 F Jacob Wife Saratov N 1875 1883 Saratov Saratov
Roth, Peter M 43 M Head Head Saratov N 1877 1896 Saratov Saratov
Roth, Pauline M 41 F Peter Wife Kansas Saratov Saratov
Roth, Rudolph S 19 M Peter Son Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Edgar S 17 M Peter Son Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Amella S 15 F Peter Dau Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Ludwena S 13 F Peter Dau Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Louise S 10 F Peter Dau Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Hedwig S 4 F Peter Dau Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, Wilbert S 2 M Peter Son Kansas Saratov Kansas
Roth, John P M 40 M Head Head Kansas Saratov Saratov
Roth, Anna M 38 F John Wife Kansas Saratov Saratov