Superintendent Registrar's District: 597 Aberystwyth; Registrar's District: 4 Rheidol; Enumeration District: 6 Enumerator: Mr Joseph DAVIES, Date taken: 7 Apr 1851.
"The whole of the parish of Llanafan including Crosswood and Crogwinion Mine"
Name of Street, Place, or Road, and Name or No of House
Name and Surname of Each Person who abode in the house, on the Night of the 30th of March 1851
Relation to Head of Family
Condition: Age and Sex
Rank, Profession or Occupation
Where Born
House: Crosswood, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Elizabeth FARLEY, Servant, U, F, 52, Housekeeper, Tenbridge
Mary GRIFFITHS, Servant, U, F, 28, Kitchen maid, Leominster
Elizabeth MORRIS, Servant, U, F, 35 Laundry maid, Cardiganshire
Mary GRIFFITHS, Servant, U, F, 20, Nursery maid, Cardiganshire
Gemima JONES, Servant, U, F, 35, Housemaid, Cardiganshire
Margret JENKINS, Servant, U, F, 32, Housemaid, Cardiganshire
John JONES, Servant, M, M, 58, Sle man, Cardiganshire
Evan EVANS, Servant, M, U, 22, Sle man, Cardiganshire
House: Wenallt, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Robert SIBBALD, Head, W, M, 74, Farmer of 160 acres, . . . Scotland
Margret SIBBALD, daur, M, F, 40, Farmer's wife, Scotland
Rosina EVANS, gr daur, F, 4, Farmer's daur, Cardiganshire
Anne JONES, serv, U, F, 35, House servant, Cardiganshire
Margret WILLIAMS, serv, U, F, 24, House servant, Cardiganshire
Jane WILLIAMS, serv, U, F, 20, Farm servant, Cardiganshire
Evan MORGANS, serv, U, M, 26, Farm servant, Cardiganshire
Isaac MA___, serv, U, M, 20, Farm servant, Cardiganshire, Llanfihangel
William JONES, serv, U, M, 15, Farm servant, Cardiganshire, Gwnns
House: Royal Oak, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Sally JONES, Head, W, F, 58, Employed in Agriculture, Cardiganshire, Llanbad
William JONES, son, U, M, 18, Employed in Agriculture, Cardiganshire
Margret JONES, daur, U, F, 13, Employed in Agriculture, Cardiganshire
House: Royaloak, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
William WILLIAMS, Head, M, M, 54, Agricultural Labourer, Cardiganshire
Ann WILLIAMS, wife, M, F, 57, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Susanna WILLIAMS, daur, U, F, 31, Labourer, Cardiganshire
Isaac WILLIAMS, son, U, M, 16, Tailor, Cardiganshire
House: Wenallt Mill, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Morris JONES, Head, M, M, 68, Carpenter, Cardiganshire
Dorothy JONES, wife, M, F, 58, Carpenter's wife, Cardiganshire
David JONES, son, M, M, 22, Carpenter, Cardiganshire
Jane JONES, serv, U, F, 18, House servant, Cardiganshire
House: Wenallt fach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas EVANS, Head, M, M, 49, Agricultural Labourer, Cardiganshire
Ann EVANS, wife, M, F, 48, Labourer's wife, Cardiganshire
Jane EVANS, daur, F, 12, Labourer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Joseph EVANS, son, M, 9, Labourer's son, Cardiganshire
Sarah EVANS, daur, F, 6, Labourer's daughter, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarargae, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John EVANS, Head, M, M, 62, Shoemaker, Cardiganshire
Mary EVANS, wife, M, F, 63, Shoemaker's wife, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth EVANS, daur, U, F, 23, Shoemaker's daughter, Cardiganshire
House: Bontfach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 58, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Jane RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 55, Gardner's wife, Cardiganshire
Jane RICHARDS, daur, U, F, 19, Daughter, Cardiganshire
David RICHARDS, son, M, 15, Gardner, Cardiganshire
House: Dolgwybedyn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Richard DUDLYKE, Head, W M, 64, Farmer, Cardiganshire
John DUDLYKE, son, M, 11, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Jane DUDLYKE, daur, F, 4, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Jane EDWARDS, sister, W, F, 50, Housekeeper, Cardiganshire
David RICHARDS, servant, U, M, 17, Farm Servant, Cardiganshire
Mary WILLIAMS, serv, U, F, 19, House Servant, Cardiganshire
Mary DAVIES, serv, U, F, 23, House Servant, Cardiganshire
David JONES, Lodger, U, M, 29, Police Officer, Cardiganshire
House: Dolgwydedyn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John EDWARDS, son, U, M, 25, Carpenter, Cardiganshire
William EDWARDS, son, U, M, 23, Shoemaker, Cardiganshire
House: Efelfach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Benjamin DAVIES, Head, M, M, 40, Blacksmith, Cardiganshire
Mary DAVIES, wife, M, F, 40, Blacksmith's wife, Cardiganshire
Sophia DAVIES, daur, U, F, 17, Scholar, Cardiganshire
John DAVIES, son, M, 12, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Owen DAVIES, son, M, 7, Scholar, Cardiganshire
House: Tycarn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Margret JONES, Head, W, F, 45, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Morgan JONES, son, U, M, 21, Shoemaker, Cardiganshire
William LEWIS, nephew, U, M, 23, Tailor, Cardiganshire
House: Tycarn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Mary WILLIAMS, Head, U, F, 53, Shepherdess, Cardiganshire
John WILLIAMS, son, U, M, 26, ---, ---
House: Llwynyprenteg, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Evan EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 46, Farmer, Cardiganshire
Mary EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 42, Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
Evan EDWARDS, son, U, M, 16, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
David EDWARDS, son, M, 14, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Mary EDWARDS, daur, F, 12, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Richard EDWARDS, son, M, 11, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth EDWARDS, daur, F, 9, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Dorothy EDWARDS, daur, F, 6, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Ann EDWARDS, daur, F, 4, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Jane EDWARDS, daur, F, 2, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Avarina RICHARDS, serv, U, F, 20, General servant, Cardiganshire
House: Llwynyprinteg, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Dorothy EDWARDS, Herself, W, F, 80, Formerly a Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarllyn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
David JONES, Head, M, M, 31, Miner, Cardiganshire
Margret JONES, wife, M, F, 28, Miner's wife, Cardiganshire
John JONES, son, M, 2, Miner's son, Cardiganshire
Morgan JONES, son, M, 1, Miner's son, Cardiganshire
House: Llwyncogebach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas PARRY, Head, M, M, 36, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Margret PARRY, wife, M, F, 35, Laborer's wife, Cardiganshire
John PARRY, son, M, 3, Laborer's son, Cardiganshire
Sarah PARRY, daur, F, 1 month, Laborer's daughter, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarllyn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John JONES, Head, M, M, 53, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Jane JONES, wife, M, F, 53, Laborer's wife, Cardiganshire
John JONES, son, U, M, 23, Miner, Cardiganshire
Cathrine JONES, daur, F, 14, in house at home, Cardiganshire
Joseph JONES, son, M, 11, in house at home, Cardiganshire
William DAVIES, gr son, M, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Llwynycoge, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John HUGHES, Head, M, M, 56, Farmer, Cardiganshire
Jane HUGHES, wife, M, F, 51, Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
Mary HUGHES, daur, U, F, 30, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Ann HUGHES, daur, U, F, 29, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Thomas HUGHES, son, U, M, 25, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth HUGHES, daur, U, F, 22, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Jane HUGHES, daur, U, F, 20, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Evan HUGHES, son, U, M, 18, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Eleanor HUGHES, daur, U, F, 15, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Dorothy HUGHES, daur, F, 13, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Cathrine HUGHES, daur, F, 10, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Jane DAVIES, niece, F, 7, Bread in the Family, Cardiganshire
House: Talgarth, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Margret HOPKINS, Head, W, F, 68, Poor Widow, Cardiganshire
Mary HOPKINS, daur, U, F, 24, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
House: Talgarth, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Jepptha JONES, Head, M, M, 39, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Afrina JONES, wife, M, F, 40, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John JONES, son, M, 13, Miner, Cardiganshire
Thomas JONES, son, M, 10, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth JONES, daur, F, 8, Cardiganshire
Richard JONES, son, M, 6, Cardiganshire
David JONES, son, M, 2 weeks, Cardiganshire
House: Talgarth, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 40, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Mary RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 45, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth RICHARDS, daur, U, F, 16, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Jane RICHARDS, daur, U, F, 14, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Joseph RICHARDS, son, M, 13, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Afrina RICHARDS, daur, F, 9, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Penrhyw, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
David RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 53, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Sarah RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 52, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Sarah RICHARDS, daur, U, F, 22, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Isaac RICHARDS, son, M, 14, Gardner, Cardiganshire
Ann RICHARDS, daur, F, 12, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Jacob RICHARDS, son, M, 9, Cardiganshire
House: Penrhyw, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Mary JONES, Herself, W, F, 76, Poor Widow, Cardiganshire
House: Talgarth, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
David JONES, Head, M, M, 36, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth JONES, wife, M, F, 33, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret JONES, daur, U, F, 8, Domestic, Cardiganshire
David JONES, son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
Mary JONES, daur, F, 5 months, Cardiganshire
House: Elynybwch, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 43, Farmer of 94 acres, emp 1 Lab, Cardiganshire
Margret EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 40, Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 21, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Evan EDWARDS, son, U, M, 18, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Dorothy EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 14, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
David EDWARDS, son, M, 13, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Thomas EDWARDS, son, M, 12, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Margret EDWARDS, daur, F, 8, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
Mary EDWARDS, daur, F, 5, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
House: Newhouse, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Richd Briggs DAILEY?, Head, M, M, 36, Gardner, Yorkshire
Mary DAILEY?, wife, M, F, 32, Domestic, Yorkshire
Mary DAILEY?, daur, F, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Pant. . Newhouse, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Thos H. . . GOODMAN, Himself, U, M, 21, Under Game keeper, Rutland
House: Tynrhyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
Jane DAVIES, Head, M, F, 59, Knitting, Cardiganshire
Jane MORGANS, Lodger, U, F, 52, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
House: Pwllgryfydd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan, Source: FHL film 104246
John PARRY, Head, M, M, 31, Road Labourer, Cardiganshire
Mary PARRY, wife, M, F, 31, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret PARRY, daur, F, 11, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John PARRY, son, M, 10, Works on a Farm, Cardiganshire
David PARRY, son, M, 5, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Mary PARRY, daur, F, 3, Cardiganshire
Sarah PARRY, daur, F, 1, Cardiganshire
Morgan PARRY, son, M, 8, Cardiganshire
House: Pwllgryfydd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 38, Farm Labourer, Cardiganshire
Esther EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 52, Domestic, Cardiganshire
JAMES EDWARDS, son, M, 12, Works on a Farm, Cardiganshire
Magdalen EDWARDS, daur, F, 10, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Eliza EDWARDS, daur, F, 10, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Tanybwlch, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Jane EDWARDS, Head, W, F, 76, Poor Widow, Cardiganshire
Ann EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 37, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Ann THOMAS, gr daur, U, F, 4, Cardiganshire
Hannah MORGAN, daur, U, F, 35, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Thomas EDWARDS, gr son, U, M, 1 week, Cardiganshire
John ROBERTS, Lodger, M, M, 19, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary ROBERTS, Lodger, M, F, 20, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Bronheilog, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 70, Mason, Cardiganshire
Ann EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 62, Domestic, Radnorshire
Thomas EDWARDS, son, W, M, 39, Miner, Cardiganshire
Margret EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 33, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John EDWARDS, son, U, M, 31, Miner, Cardiganshire
Morgan EDWARDS, son, U, M, 29, Miner, Cardiganshire
Jane EDWARDS, gr daur, F, 14, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Ann EDWARDS, gr daur, F, 11, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Avrina EDWARDS, gr daur, F, 8, Domestic, Cardiganshire
William JONES, do [gr son], M, 8, d[itt]o, Cardiganshire
Eliza THOMAS, gr daur, F, 5, Cardiganshire
House: Tynyfron, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John THOMAS, Head, W, M, 64, Farmer, Cardiganshire
William ROGERS, servant, U, M, 24, Farm Labourer, Cardiganshire
David DAVIES, serv, U, M, 17, Farm Labourer, Cardiganshire
Margret DAVIES, serv, U, F, 34, House servant, Cardiganshire
Sarah PICKERIN, serv, U, F, 15, Farm servant, Cardiganshire
House: Tyllwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John LEWIES, Head, M, M, 49, Labourer, Cardiganshire
Mary LEWIES, wife, M, F, 50, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Jane LEWIES, daur, U, F, 16, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret LEWIES, daur, F, 11, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Gareglwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
James EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 70, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Magdalen EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 66, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Sarah EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 25, Work in the mines, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth EDWARDS, daur, U, F, 23, Work in the mines, Cardiganshire
David EDWARDS, son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
House: Pantyfynon, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Isaac DAVIES, Head, M, M, 31, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth DAVIES, wife, M, F, 33, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth DAVIES, daur, F, 11, Domestic, Cardiganshire
William DAVIES, son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
Ann DAVIES, daur, F, 3, Cardiganshire
House: Tanyfordd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
James LEWIES, Head, M, M, 45, Miner, Cardiganshire
Sarah LEWIES, wife, M, F, 49, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret LEWIES, daur, U, F, 18, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Rees LEWIES, son, M, 11, Miner, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarcum, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John LEWIES, Head, M, M, 71, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth LEWIES, wife, M, F, 35, Domestic, Cardiganshire
David LEWIES, son, M, 12, Miner, Cardiganshire
Hannah LEWIES, daur, F, 8, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Richard LEWIES, son, M, 3, Cardiganshire
James LEWIES, son, M, 9 months, Cardiganshire
House: Fynonafan, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John GRIFFITHS, Head, M, M, 45, Labourer, Cardiganshire
Ann GRIFFITHS, wife, M, F, 49, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret GRIFFITHS, daur, U, F, 14, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Gareglwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 23, Miner, Cardiganshire
Margret EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 20, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Troedrhywhaidd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Elizabeth HUGHES, Head, W, F, 37, Work in the mines, Cardiganshire
Evan HUGHES, son, M, 8, Scholar, Cardiganshire
George HUGHES, son, M, 6, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Thomas HUGHES, son, M, 3, Cardiganshire
Ann HUGHES, mother-in-law, W, F, 84, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Edmund HUGHES, Lodger, M, M, 23, Miner, Angleseyshire
Hariet HUGHES, Lodger's wife, M, F, 24, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John EVANS, Setet? son, M, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Tynewydd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan PARRY, Head, M, M, 58, Agricultural Labourer, Cardiganshire
Sarah PARRY, wife, M, F, 59, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Janes [sic] PARRY, son, U, M, 16, Labourer, Cardiganshire
David PARRY, son, M, 12, Labourer, Cardiganshire
Susanah PARRY, daur, F, 20, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Tynant, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 50, Miner, Cardiganshire
Ann RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 50, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarcwm, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan LEWIES, Head, M, M, 33, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary LEWIES, wife, M, F, 24, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Thomas LEWIES, son, M, 8 months, Cardiganshire
House: Tanybwlch, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 29, Miner, Cardiganshire
Sarah RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 29, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Mary RICHARDS, daur, F, 5, Cardiganshire
Sarah RICHARDS, daur, F, 2, Cardiganshire
David RICHARDS, son, M, 11 months, Cardiganshire
House: Tynewydd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John DAVIES, Head, M, M, 28, Agricultural Labourer, Cardiganshire
Winifred DAVIES, wife, M, F, 23, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Jane DAVIES, daur, F, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Tynrhyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Richard JONES, Head, M, M, 44, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary JONES, wife, M, F, 45, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth JONES, daur, F, 12, Domestic, Cardiganshire
David JONES, son, M, 8, Cardiganshire
William JONES, son, M, 6, Cardiganshire
Sarah JONES, daur, F, 4, Cardiganshire
Thomas JONES, son, M, 2, Cardiganshire
House: Gwarcwm, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William LEWIS, Head, M, M, 47, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth LEWIS, wife, M, F, 36, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Aberdinant, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William MORGANS, Head, M, M, 32, Agricultural Laborer, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth MORGANS, wife, M, F, 60, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth MORGANS, daur, U, F, 21, Domestic, Cardiganshire
James MORGANS, son, U, M, 16, Labourer, Cardiganshire
William MORGANS, son, M, 13, Labourer, Cardiganshire
House: Pentyfedwen, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Margret JAMES, Head, W, F, 62, Shopkeeper, Cardiganshire
Evan JAMES, son, W, M, 34, Tailor, Cardiganshire
Ann JAMES, daur, U, F, 26, Dressmaker, Cardiganshire
Jane JAMES, daur, U, F, 20, Dressmaker, Cardiganshire
Sophia JAMES, daur, F, 7, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Margret JAMES, daur, F, 3, Scholar, Cardiganshire
House: Tyllwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Lewis POWELL, Head, ???, M, 25, Agricultural Labourer, Cardiganshire
Ann POWELL, daur, F, 6, Cardiganshire
Edward POWELL, son, M, 2, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth EDWARDS, visitor, U, F, 30, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Pwllglas, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John JONES, Head, M, M, 40, Miner, Cardiganshire
Sarah JONES, wife, M, F, 40, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Trwdfawr, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas DAVIES, Head, M, M, 50, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary DAVIES, wife, M, F, 52, Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Tynewydd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Elizabeth EDWARDS, Herself, U, F, 34, Egg Gatherer, Cardiganshire
House: Tanybwlch, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Mary EDWARDS, Head, W, F, 55, Poor Widow, Cardiganshire
Richard EDWARDS, son, U, M, 30, Miner, Cardiganshire
John EDWARDS, son, M, M, 24, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary EDWARDS, daur-in-law, M, F, 25, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Thomas EDWARDS, gr son, M, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Penycoed, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan DAVIES, Head, M, M, 52, Woodkeeper, Cardiganshire
Jane DAVIES, wife, M, F, 53, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Sarah DAVIES, daur, U, F, 18, Domestic, Cardiganshire
JAMES DAVIES, son, U, M, 15, Labourer, Cardiganshire
House: Blaenain, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan LEWIES, Head, M, M, 63, Farmer, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth LEWIES, wife, M, F, 52, Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
David DAVIES, serv, M, 50, General servant, Cardiganshire
House: Troedrhywhaidd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William RICHARDS, Head, M M, 28, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 28, Domestic, London
William RICHARDS, son, M, 6, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Eliza RICHARDS, daur, F, 2, Cardiganshire
Sarah RICHARDS, daur, F, 3 months, Cardiganshire
House: Brynglas, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William HUGHES, Head, U, M, 54, Freeholder, Cardiganshire
Margret HUGHES, sister, U, F, 52, Housekeeper, Cardiganshire
Mary HUGHES, sister, U, F, 41 Domestic, Cardiganshire
House: Pantehirion, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William RICHARDS, Head, M, M, 44, Mason, Cardiganshire
Margret RICHARDS, wife, M, F, 40, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John RICHARDS, son, U, M, 20, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Jane RICHARDS, daur, F, 14, Work in the mines, Cardiganshire
William RICHARDS, son, M, 7, Scholar, Cardiganshire
House: Eithinllwydon, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Evan EVANS, Head, M, M, 54, Carpenter, Cardiganshire
Margret EVANS, wife, M, F, 54, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John EVANS, son, W, M, 30, Carpenter, Cardiganshire
Margret EVANS, daur, U, F, 16, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Margret EVANS, gr daur, F, 7, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John EVANS, gr son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth OWENS, gr daur, F, 4, Cardiganshire
House: Tanquarell, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John DAVIES, Head, M, M, 33, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth DAVIES, wife, M, F, 33, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John DAVIES, son, M, 11, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth DAVIES, daur, F, 8, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Henry DAVIES, son, M, 6, Cardiganshire
Jane DAVIES, daur, F, 4, Cardiganshire
Richard DAVIES, son, M, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Brynllwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Ann HUGHES, Herself, W, F, 57, Labourer, Cardiganshire Llanfihangel
House: Penrhyrofelen, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Robert ROBERTS, Head, M, M 37, Miner, Cardiganshire
Jane ROBERTS, wife, M, F, 32, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth ROBERTS, daur, F, 5, Cardiganshire
Mary ROBERTS, daur, F, 2?, Cardiganshire
House: Pantygorlan, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Lewies LEWIES, Head, M, M, 41?, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth LEWIES, wife, M, F, 36, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Ann LEWIES, daur, F, 9, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Eliza LEWIES, daur, F, 7, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Morgan LEWIES, son, M, 3, Cardiganshire
Thomas LEWIES, son, M, 5 months, Cardiganshire
Jane EDWARDS, serv, U, F, 17, General servant, Cardiganshire
Thomas JONES, on Parish, U, M, 18, Helpless, Cardiganshire
House: Pantymwyn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William JONES, Head, M, M, 57, Miner, Cardiganshire
Cathrine JONES, wife, M, F, 59, Domestic, Cardiganshire
William JONES, son, U, M, 30, Miner, Cardiganshire
David JONES, son, U, M, 24, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth JONES, daur, U, F, 20, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
Margret JONES, daur, U, F, 17, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
David DAVIES, gr son, M, 12, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
David JONES, gr son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
House: Gellylas, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas JONES, Head, W, M, 32, Miner, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth WILLIAMS, gr mother, W, F, 73, Housekeeper, Cardiganshire
House: Gellylas, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Cathrine EDWARDS, Head, W, F, 76, Householder, Cardiganshire
Mary JONES, daur, M, F, 37, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Ann JONES, gr daur, F, 5, Cardiganshire
John JONES, Lodger, M, M,43, Miner, Cardiganshire
William LLOYD, Lodger, M, M, 33, Miner, Cardiganshire
House: Gellylas, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Rees WILLIAMS, Head, M, M, 57, Labourer, Cardiganshire
Sophia WILLIAMS, wife, M, F, 55, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Sophia WILLIAMS, daur, U, F, 22, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
David WILLIAMS, son, U, M, 18, Erand boy at home, Cardiganshire
Mary WILLIAMS, daur, U, F, 8, [ditto], Cardiganshire
House: Rhosfach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Morgan EDWARDS, Head, M, M, 37, Mason, Cardiganshire
Ann EDWARDS, wife, M, F, 37, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Richard EDWARDS, son, M, 2, Cardiganshire
House: part of Rhosfach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Mary EDWARDS, Herself, U, F, 31, Dressmaker, Cardiganshire
House: Pantyllidiard, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Abraham WILLIAMS, Head, M, M, 24, Miner, Cardiganshire
Cathrine WILLIAMS, wife, M, F, 22, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John WILLIAMS, son, M, 4 months, Cardiganshire
House: part of Pantllidiard, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Margret RICHARDS, Herself, U, F, 22, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
House: Tynbryn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Benjamin WILLIAMS, Head, M, M, 50, Labourer, Pontrhy. . .
Hannah WILLIAMS, wife, M, F, 56, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Mary PUGH, daur, U, F, 22, Domestic, Radnorshire
House: Tynybryn, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William PRYSE, Head, M, M, 48, Mason, Cardiganshire
Mary PRYSE, wife, M, F, 42, Domestic, Radnorshire
John PRYSE, son, U, M, 20, Miner, Cardiganshire
Mary PRYSE, daur, F, 14, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
William PRYSE, son, M, 11, Work in mines, Cardiganshire
Margret PRYSE, daur, F, 7, Cardiganshire
Thomas PRYSE, son, M, 4, Cardiganshire
Charlotte PRYSE, daur, F, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Glanrhos, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
John BONOR, Head, M, M, 35, Miner, Cardiganshire
Margret BONOR, wife, M, F, 30, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John BONOR, son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
William BONOR, son, M, 3, Cardiganshire
Ann BONOR, daur, F, 10 months, Cardiganshire
House: Glanrhos, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Johoiacim DAVIES, Head, U, M, 22, Miner, Cardiganshire
William DAVIES, brother, U, M, 20, Miner, Cardiganshire
Ann DAVIES, sister, U, F, 18, Housekeeper, Cardiganshire
David DAVIES, brother, U, M, 14, Miner, Cardiganshire
House: Glanrhos, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Hugh JONES, Head, M, M, 32, Miner, Cardiganshire
Jane JONES, wife, M, F, 39, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Cathrine JONES, daur, F, 9, Domestic, Cardiganshire
James JONES, son, M, 7, Cardiganshire
Johoiacim JONES, son, M, 4, Cardiganshire
Morgan JONES, son, M, 1, Cardiganshire
House: Glanrhos, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Jehoiacim BONNOR, Head, M, M, 37, Miner, Cardiganshire
Margret BONNOR, wife, M, F, 32, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Sophia BONNOR, daur, F, 7, Domestic, Cardiganshire
John BONNOR, son, M, 5, Cardiganshire
Jane BONNOR, daur, F, 4, Cardiganshire
Evan BONNOR, son, M, 2, Cardiganshire
House: Pencwmllydan, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Margaret EVANS, Head, W, F, 65, Farmer, Cardiganshire
John EVANS, son, M, M, 29, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Richard EVANS, son, U, M, 26, Farmer's son, Cardiganshire
Job WILLIAMS, serv, M, 14, General servant, Cardiganshire
Ann DAVIES, serv, U, F, 30, House servant, Cardiganshire
House: Berthlwyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Thomas HUGHES, Head, M, M, 72, Farmer, Cardiganshire
Ann HUGHES, wife, M, F, 71, Farmer's wife, Cardiganshire
Thomas JONES, gr son, U, M, 22, Miner, Cardiganshire
House: Tynrhyd, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Rees WILLIAMS, Head, U, M, 37, Farmer of 131 as, emp 1 lab, Cardiganshire
Mary Rees WILLIAMS, daur, F, 8, Farmer's daughter, Cardiganshire
John WILLIAMS, brother, U, M, 49, Farm Labourer, Cardiganshire
Mary JENKINS, servant, U, F, 20, House servant, Cardiganshire
House: Rhosfach, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
William WILLIAMS, Head, M, M, 40, Miner, Cardiganshire
Sarah WILLIAMS, wife, M, F, 42, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Mary WILLIAMS, daur, U, F, 18, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Henry WILLIAMS, son, U, M, 16, Miner, Cardiganshire
Jehoiacim WILLIAMS, son, M, 14, Miner, Cardiganshire
Ann WILLIAMS, daur, F, 11, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Jane WILLIAMS, daur, F 9, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Abraham WILLIAMS, son, M, 6, Cardiganshire
David WILLIAMS, son, M, 3, Cardiganshire
Sarah WILLIAMS, daur, F, 1 month, Cardiganshire
House: Cottage, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Jankin DAVIES, Head, M, M, 39, Woodman, Cardiganshire
Elizabeth DAVIES, wife, M, F, 40, Domestic, Cardiganshire
Jenkin DAVIES, son, M, 9, Scholar, Cardiganshire
Mary DAVIES, daur, F, 5, Cardiganshire
Margret DAVIES, daur, F, 2, Cardiganshire
House: Tybachycoed, Census Place: Co of Cardigan, Parish of Llanavan; Source: FHL film 104246
Mary RICHARDS, Head, W, F, 62, Poor Widow, Cardiganshire
Mary RICHARDS, daur, U, F, 2 [sic], Domestic, Cardiganshire