John William Berry and Gennettie Crofford Berry, daughters Alma and Cassie
Adamson Randolph Berry and Sarah Ellen Stine Berry, and their children
No photograph of Robert Johnson Berry
Thomas Millard Berry and Lola Vandervier Berry, sons Vayro and Harry
Isabella Berry Duncan (cropped from group photo)
Everett Dally Berry and Florence Strosnider Berry
James Oatis Berry and Alta Greer Berry
I seem to have lost the scan of a wonderful early photograph of Viola and Elmore. I'll have to settle for this of three siblings and their spouses. J O on the left with wife Alta behind him; Ola in the middle with Elmore behind her; Everett at the right with Flora behind him. I've sent the original early photo of Elmore and Viola on to Kansas to the Havensville museum - just last week. I will check my external hard drive to see if I still have the scan somewhere and can add it here.

Viola "Ola" Berry Salisbury
Wesley "Dock" Strosnider and Eliza Alma Berry Strosnider
I have these additional photographs ~~~
brothers Everett and Oatis
Flora and Everett Berry at home in Kansas
Berry siblings at Pond Creek, Oklahoma, December 25, 1925. Bella and John celebrated the same birthdate - he in 1854, she in 1865. From left: James Oatis "Oat", Everett Dally, Frances Isabella "Bella", Adamson Randolph "Ad", John William
Same date, same Berry siblings, with spouses and some children and grandchildren/
From left - Everett and Flora; J O and Alta; Mary and John; Ad and Ellen. Isabella on the ground. [Mary is John's second wife. Nettie died in 1908.]
J O and Alta Berry and their model T. Probably heading for Kansas.